Building Fund Projects

Dreams for the future of our church building and parsonage

​Work has been completed on the new roof covering the education wing! The water-stained walls have been repainted and refreshed. Damaged and dated carpeting has been replaced. There is still more work to be done to replace ceiling tiles damaged from water seeping in. Donations are still needed to complete this project!

  • Why did we need a new roof?  While we had been patching and repairing the leaks as they came, the roof had reached its expiration date. The rubber membrane that covers the roof no longer had the integrity it once had. The leaks damaged the carpeting in the education wing to the point that it stretched, rolled up, and become a tripping hazard. Moisture seeping under the membrane and flashing made it into the walls causing windows to crack and fog over. The costs of repairing the roof were adding up and were no longer working to get us by.
  • Have other building improvements been considered?  Your church council is committed to being frugal and wise with the resources you entrust to us. Like any of our homes, our dreams and wish lists are long - but our “must-haves” are much shorter. Donations made to the building fund allow the church council to look to other improvements, including re-siding and adding new windows to the parsonage.
  • Can I give a recurring gift?  Yes! You can give to the building fund as either a one-time or recurring gift. We do ask that these be gifts in addition to your regular yearly giving, so as to not impact our general fund and yearly budget. 

There are many more projects waiting in the wings for the funds to forge ahead. Check out some pictures below of completed, in-progress, and to-do projects!

Our reasons "Why"

Pictures of in-progress & completed work!

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